IGSA President Marcus Rietema has a long history in skateboarding and street luge. He started skating back in 1977 riding freestyle and transition.
Marcus was one of the original Glendora Mountain Road (GMR) racers who began bombing the hill in 1978 riding both skateboards and luge. After competing in the 95’ & 96’ X Games, he founded the IGSA and became the Street Luge Sport Organizer for the X Games. Today he takes great pride in still being able to ride at a high level in all disciplines of skateboarding.
20 Questions: Marcus Rietema
1. Q: What sports do you compete in?
A: In the past I competed in Downhill Skateboarding, Freestyle and Street Luge. Most of my time is spent organizing these days. I just started racing slalom for fun last year and I skate freestyle demos with Sk8 Kings.
2. Q: How long have you been riding and racing?
A: I started skateboarding in 1977 and did my first race on Glendora Mountain Road in 1979.
3. Q: What was your coolest moment in the sport?
A: Sitting in the tower at Red Bull DHX (Cape Town, South Africa) and seeing what the sport could be. There were around 50,000 spectators, huge grand stands, giant video screens, VIP areas, live television, huge athlete parties and so much more. My dream is to have a world tour with 15 events the caliber of DHX.
4. Q: What races do you plan to compete in this year?
A: Slalom only: Oregon State Games, ISSA World Championships in Gothenburg, Sweden, possibly Antrem, NH and some smaller local events.
5. Q: What are your goals for the 2008 season?
A: To earn a podium finish at a big slalom race.
6. Q: What is your favorite event?
A: Currently it’s a tie between Newton’s Playground and the Maryhill Festival of Speed. Past favorites include Red Bull DHX, RDH Rio Downhill and the original Hot Heels in Kaurnatal, Austria
7. Q: What kind of equipment did you use?
A: Sk8 Kings Decks, Bennett, Tracker & Splitfire trucks and Seismic/3dm & Sk8 Kings wheels.
8. Q: Do you have any sponsors?
A: Sk8 Kings and Seismic/3dm.
9. Q: Who are your favorite racers?
A: Erik Lundberg, Mischo Erban, Scoot Smith, Martin Siegrist, Aki von Glasow, David Dean, Loic Zaccaro, Ramon Koningshausen, Jason Mitchell, and Richy Carrasco,
10. Q: Where do you live?
A: Larkspur, California. It’s about a ten-minute drive North of the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County.

11. Q: When is your birthday?
A: January 17, 1965
12. Q: Are you married or do you have a girlfriend?
A: Currently single…
13. Q: What’s your occupation?
A: IGSA President and Equine Dentist.
14. Q: What are your hobbies?
A: Skateboarding including freestyle, parks, backyard pools and slalom. I also do a lot of cycling (road and mountain) and like to follow Formula One.
15. Q: Do you have a website, MySpace and/or facebook?
A: MySpace/marcusrietema, facebook: Marcus Rietema, and Skateboarders Journal: Marcus Rietema.
16. Q: Do you have any pets?
A: No, I travel too much…
17. Q: What’s your favorite vacation spot?
A: The Dalmatia Coast of Croatia. Anywhere with sun, sand, water and pretty girls!
18. Q: What’s your favorite food?
A: Sushi, Mexican, Thai and Indonesian.
19. Q: What’s your favorite music?
A: Punk, Alternative and Hip Hop.
20. Q: Do you have any heroes?
A: Ayrton Senna, Gilles Villeneuve, Alex Zanardi and Lance Armstrong.

Marcus Rietema takes off doing a frontside air in Pacifica, CA. Photo: Steve B