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By now, you know all about how amazing the Maryhill Festival of Speed is. You’ve read about it, seen the photos, dreamed about riding the incredible Maryhill Loops Road and heard about how the town of Goldendale, Washington hosts the athletes and event with good, old-fashioned hospitality.

You might even be one of the lucky ones that made the trek, hit the course and raced the hill in the MFOS.  Either way, you probably also know that things got out of hand this year at the Athletes’ Village, the Klickitat County Fairgrounds where the concerts and camping were. Vandalism, damage and a freakin’ giant mess put a black eye on the skateboard community, hurt and angered local families that supported us and earned us a “don’t come back y’all” from the Mayor.

So, whether you’re one of the skaters that was at the MFOS this year, or your just one that thought you’d like to get there next year, you know why this just plain sucks!We screwed up, not all of us, but members of our family.Longboarders across the world are asking how they can help make it right, and we’ve worked with the City of Goldendale, County of Klickitat and some skaters in the Pacific Northwest to develop ways you can help.We can help pay for the ruined feed-hay, the vandalized barns, the spraypainted bathrooms and more (read the forums if you need more), and we can show Goldendale that we’re not what a few of us might have made them think.Here’s what you can do:

  1. Donate to the Goldendale Reparations Fund.100% of your donation (less PayPal’s cut) will go directly to Goldendale, to repay them for the costs assessed for repairs to the County Fairgrounds.As we write this, we only have “estimates” but not a sure number.Look, you don’t need to send $100, unless you’re one of those that made the mess, but if 1,000 skaters send $5.00 each, we’ve got this in the bag!
  2. Every penny over the amount to repair damages will be donated to Goldendale for the repair, upgrade and maintenance of their mini-skatepark, located in Ekone Park.It’s all the local skaters have, and it’s getting ragged.So know that your money will go to make skaters’ lives better in Goldendale.
  3. Come on out and participate in the Community Service Day being set up by skaters from Silverfish and Northwest Longboarding.You’ll drive out to Goldendale for a day of work on that skatepark.The big community will fund therepairs – you get to make them happen.
Goldendale Open Donation Link

Goldendale 5$ Donation Link

Goldendale 10$ Donation Link

Goldendale 20$ Donation Link
Paypal Buttons are right there.You’ll see these on other websites, too – they all go to the same place and it doesn’t matter where you click, just know that if you’d like to, it will be appreciated.Check out the forums for information on the Reparations Fund and Community Service Day.There are no guarantees, but let’s remind the people of Goldendale why they wanted all us skaters in their town in the first place!