Continental News
Race Report: Hotel Los Portales Tarma Race
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Dalua Wins Tarma!!!

Tarma, Peru - Douglas "Dalua" Silva from Sao Leopoldo, Brazil has won the Hotel Los Portales Tarma / IGSA South American Champuonship held today in Tarma, Peru. Silva won over a tough international field that included two times World Champion Kevin Reimer and a host of other top riders from throughout the America's.
Race Report: Hotel Los Portales Tarma Qualifying
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- Written by: Alexandre Maia & Marcus Rietema
Silva Beats Reimer in Qualifying

Tarma, Peru - The IGSA South American Championships got underway yesterday at the Hotel Los Portales Tarma, in Tarma, Peru. Tarma is a beautiful city where you walk amongst the Peruvians while seeing a lot of the culture and the beautiful family traditions.